We've had a busy month here with visits and travel for the Reeder side of the family. First Aunt Laura and Katie came for the weekend and left Katie behind to be bored and untertained like only a teenager can be. Then a I brought the three girls to Chicago where the whole family met up, and finally this last weekend Elizabeth and Amanda came to view the new property.
Thank God it is over and we wont be having any more visitors.
Their are lots of great parts about having Katie visit, how well she plays with our kids is one of them. |
Three of anything looks cute, almost cute enough to distract from the coin slot. |
Of course these two play really well, too. |
She plays so well she doesn't need any pieces. |
At the Merle Hay Mall play area, were Nyssa and Leila love to go but (hardly ever leave our sides) |
I picked out the track suit. I picked out the track suit. I picked out the track suit. I picked out the track suit. |
A part of me will always think of Katie as a five year old, Abby will always be four to me, no matter how she grows up, but funnily enough Kaitlyn seems like the age she is. |
Nyssa REALLY wanted to wear this dress and after I finally put it on her she wore two straight days in a clear example of what dads don't but mothers do care about. |
Nyssa her Auntie-Amanda in my moms apartment. I looked at Nyssa this morning and she looked so old so graceful and possessed. In other news--she is going through a "I love you dad." phase. |
Not only did I pick out Nyssa's dress, but I picked out Leila's as well, in case you are looking for someone to go shopping with. |
Maybe Kaitlyn can age in my mind because Leila looks so much like her. Luckily Aunt Laura didn't tell her to 'pin. |